You should never underestimate a lady…


Never Underestimate a wallflower!

Lady Hannah Simmons is a quintessential wallflower, unassuming, dowdy yet ignored by most. But underneath her plain exterior, Hannah is hiding a thrilling secret! Unbeknownst to the rest of the ton, she is Queen Victoria’s leading femme fatale, slipping unnoticed through the streets of London and listening to scandalous whispers from lords and ladies. But with daggers in her stockings and pistols in her pockets, Hannah’s mission is to apprehend a deadly killer.

Private Investigator to the Prime Minister, damaged, yet devastatingly handsome ex-war hero Duke Robert Killian always puts duty first. However, when he finds himself competing with the intriguing Lady Hannah on the same daring task, his blood boils with frustration – and desire! Is it possible to seduce this vexing woman whose not afraid to put herself in danger and achieve the upper hand?

Hannah enjoys Killian’s attempts to distract and tempt her, but she has never faced an adversary she couldn’t overthrow. And Killian has never met a challenge he couldn’t conquer…until now. The gauntlet has been thrown, can they finish their jobs and resist the temptation?

Keep your friends close…and your enemies even closer!

My review

Lady Hannah Simmons is the perfect example of being a wallflower. But she doesn’t mind, because wallflowers are able to pick up the best gossips. And that is exactly what Hannah needs, as unbeknownst to anyone, Hannah works for Queen Victoria. Her latest task is to find the deadly killer that is walking around. With her set of skills, Hannah is determined to find out the truth. But Hannah isn’t the only one looking for the murderer. Because ex – war hero Duke Robert Killian has been instructed by the Prime Minister, as a Private Investigator, is on the same mission. When they learn from each other that they are competing on the same task, things may get even more complicated, as it’s not only information they share, but also frustration and sudden desires. But with Hannah no wish of ever get attached to anyone, and Killian being damaged from the war, can they discover the truth but most important, how will their joined efforts affect them?

Well, this was a surprising story! And I mean that in a good way! 😊

When I started reading it, I was aware that Hannah wouldn’t be the kind of character to mess with. But I didn’t expect her to be so fierce, even strong enough to face more people at once in combat. She reminded me in a way of Xena, or in the same era, the Bennett sisters in the parody novel ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’, even if no zombies were involved. But if you have read that book, that same fierceness, bold character and strength can you find back in Hannah.

With Hannah being so strong, I was also very curious to learn how she become the woman she is now.
And to learn her story, truly saddened me in one way, but on the other hand, I was also glad she found the much needed support in an unexpected way.
Because of her past, I could understand her opinion of never wanting to get close to anyone.

Obviously, the one person she starts to feel something for, is her rival. In the magnificent form of Duke Robert Killian.
He is a man with status, yet he has so many similarities with Hannah, as he is haunted by his past too. A past not that far away, yet as he went to war, I can only try to imagine the terrors he has witnessed, and how useless he must have felt at moments when his men were suffering…

And just like Hannah, he is not looking for commitment. But isn’t it just when you are the most averse to something, you find yourself unable to resist exactly that?
it was in a way so funny to see how this pair try to resist the attraction between them, then suddenly going a complete other direction, yet adamant on not wanting more. While for the readers it’s so obvious! 😊

I have to admit, I was a bit shocked how easy it was to get away with things in this book. Hannah for sure isn’t afraid in using force and weapons, yet not one moment there is someone after her, for the used violence. But at the same time, that also added to Hannah’s charms 😊.
Also the revelation of the murderer left me in a shock. While I initially had my suspicions about the culprit, I didn’t expect it to end in that way…

But I truly enjoyed reading this book, as it was filled with just so much of everything. There was mystery, attraction, steaminess, passion, strength (literally and figuratively speaking).  And most important, there was the message to never just assume that a wallflower is just that, because people for sure can be dark horses! 😊

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