Not only couples can profit from therapy, but can coworkers?


Two writers. One pressing deadline. No time for romance…

Scarlett and Theo have one bestselling novel to their names: the psychological thriller they wrote together years ago. None of the books they’ve written separately have sold anywhere near as well…

Now at risk of being dropped by their respective publishers, their agent tells them that working together is the only way to save their careers and sends them off on a writers’ retreat in the south of France.

It wouldn’t be the worst way to spend a summer–except that they’ve accidentally been booked on a couples retreat instead, and spending so much time together stirs up some very inconvenient feelings!

With their careers on the line and a pressing deadline, romance is the last thing on their minds…

Beach Read meets The Proposal in this gorgeously escapist and wonderfully bookish romcom set in the south of France

My review

Years ago, Scarlett and Theo wrote together a bestselling novel. But since then, not only they aren’t in touch anymore, but also they didn’t manage to gain the same success separately.
With the looming risk that their publisher will drop them, their agent tells them that the only way to save their careers, is to go together on a writers’ retreat in the south of France.
Despite the lovely location, Scarlett isn’t looking forward to be working with Theo once again, after what happened when their book was released.
To make things even worse, Scarlett and Theo discover that there has been a mix – up and they are registered at a non – refundable couples’ retreat instead of a writers’ retreat.
Forced to spend time together, and participating on the therapy sessions, not only old pains are resurfacing, but also old feelings. And this while Scarlett and Theo are attempting to replicate their writing success once again.

As an avid reader, I can only try to imagine how difficult it can be for a writer to come up with a  captivating story, enthralling your readers.
And when your first book turns out to be a success, that success can hang as a dark cloud over you. Because now the expectations for sure are very high, and it’s easy to disappoint and never get that same success you had the first time.

And in Scarlett’s case, her success will always be connected with Theo. It isn’t clear from the start what exactly happened between the pair, but I had a gut – feeling. Yet I had to be very patient to see my suspicion confirmed 😊.

My heart went out to Scarlett, because she for sure has many burden weighing on her shoulders… Not only has her writing career not exactly been blooming and this could be her last chance, but she also has many personal problems. Everyone of her family relies on her, as they are accustomed that Scarlett will be there to save the day. And she also is there for her best friend, while it is for a lovely chat, but also in their time of need.
It’s so obvious Scarlett struggles to be on top of everything, and feeling as she herself cannot rely on anyone else, makes her also feel lonely…

That also means that while for other people it would be amazing to go on an all – paid – for retreat, for Scarlett it causes only more headaches. Because now it’s her that has to rely on other people…

Of course I had fun reading Scarlett and Theo clash over almost everything. It only shows that what happened in the past still bothers them both.
And while mandatory couples’ exercises for sure are something special, I could comprehend how it would help a couple getting closer again.
And yes, it’s a couples’ retreat, but I could see how many other couples, non – romantic related, could all benefit from such exercises.

With each day passing by, we see that each relationship needs a strong foundation, as it’s on that foundation that you can keep on building on.
And that foundation starts with trust, honesty, comprehension and also forgiveness. Even when there are misunderstandings or when you are not on the same page for one reason or another, it’s important to voice your thoughts and feelings.

In that aspect, seeing how the couples, not only Scarlett and Theo, are reaping the benefits of the retreat, was both heart – warming and in a way eye – opening. It’s easy to cling on what happened in the past, but the trick is to learn from it and to learn to move on from it.

In Scarlett’s and Theo’s case it was a real work in progress. Because they were quickly pinpointing the flaws in each other, and how they were still holding on to the past. Yet slowly, they start to see each other in a different light, and they start to understand each other. And of course that simmering attraction also helps! 😊
Oh and may I add that the book they are writing, I would love to read that for real? 😊

This was a lovely story, where a lot of growth is taking place, from both main characters. We see that getting help, for any kind of a relationship, isn’t something to be ashamed of, as it can only help you forward in life. It can let you understand your partner better, and can help clear the air.
And while set in the beautiful south of France, perhaps a second chance, done rightly this time, can be the greatest reward of them all after all the opening up! 

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