A surprising but also life altering inheritance


The secrets of the past will unlock her future…

Working in the fast-paced foreign exchange market in Canary Wharf, Amy never expected her job to drive her to collapse. With her doctor advising she take a month off work, when Amy receives a solicitor’s letter informing her of a surprise inheritance in Italy, the timing couldn’t be more perfect.

But who on earth has left her a house in the sleepy Tuscan hills?

As she gets to know the town and its inhabitants, Amy discovers more about the mysterious man who named her in his will. Shocking family secrets come to light, leaving Amy questioning the life she knew.

The town of Sant’Antonio holds more than just secrets. Here, Amy meets Adam, a renowned TV journalist whose documentaries take him to dangerous places. But as their attraction grows, so do Amy’s worries. Her life is in England, while Adam’s is untethered and under constant threat…

An emotional, heartwarming love story full of family drama and quirky locals.

My review

Amy is used on living a hectic life, as her job is a demanding one. But she never expected that it’s exactly her job causing her to collapse… She is forced to take a month off work, even if she wants nothing more than return back as soon as possible. And then she receives a solicitor’s letter, informing her that an inheritance is waiting for her, in Italy. As she has never heard of the man who left her everything he owned, Amy sets off to the Tuscan village of Sant’Antonio. Once there she gets to learn the town and its inhabitants and also more about the man that she doesn’t know but left her everything. With secrets to unravel, Amy also has to make choices about her life and future. And the presence of TV journalist Adam for sure is something to take in account, or not?

My review

How can an author put time over time over time a smile on your face? Because that’s exactly what T.A. Williams does to me, no matter what he is writing, whether it’s a romance or a cozy crime, I go to a special happy place whenever I pick up one of his books.

Of course it helps that also this story takes place in the country where my roots lay. But I honestly believe that even if he would write a story taking place in Antarctica, I would love it. I would almost dare to challenge him! 😊

I can understand how someone can love their job so much, ready to give it their all. But perhaps because the world Amy is working in, is so far from mine, I couldn’t comprehend how she and her colleagues are giving it just everything. And in Amy’s case even making her collapse. I enjoy my work, but (and don’t tell my boss this 😉) I am also happy when it’s time to go home and I can decompress.

Obviously, our bodies gives us signals when too much is too much, and for Amy her collapse also means the start of her adventure!

Receiving an inheritance from someone you never heard of for sure is something that messes with your mind. And I comprehended how Amy was so confused about it. Why would a complete stranger leave you everything? Curiosity kills the cat, but that same curiosity also makes Amy take off to Tuscany, trying to figure out what has been going on.

From the moment Amy sets foot in Italy, I also felt peace and contentment coming over me. I loved returning to Italy, to Tuscany with this author, showing me once again why Italy is my home, for so many different reasons.

I loved reading how Amy is quickly embraced by the community of Sant’Antonio, how she is being welcomed and how everyone is wanting to help her. from pointing her in the direction of who is the best to help her renovate the place, to inviting her over for dinners, the people in Sant’Antonio for sure are a close and warm community. And I loved reading how Martin was an important presence in Sant’Antonio, and he left everything to Amy, that must mean something.

Of course Amy being fluent in speaking Italian does help to bond with people too!

Now, I have to be totally honest, when the secrets came out, it didn’t come as a complete surprise to me. I had an inkling about what was going on rather quickly. But that didn’t take away that I still had many questions, and that there were a few odd behaviours that I wanted to have explained! 😊

Obviously, Amy in this book as a romantic interest. But while Adam for sure is a lovely and intriguing character, I didn’t feel that the story revolved about Amy and Adam. But in my eyes, it was more about the journey Amy was having.

Yes, Adam was that little extra in the story, and I for sure wanted to see how things would develop between them, and discover if they could stand a chance. But I was more fixated on other aspects of this book.

Because we see that Amy loves spending her time in Tuscany, and her growing love for the place, and its inhabitants, makes her question her life and also her future. How can someone choose between two things she loves? Because Amy loves being in Tuscany, and no, Adam is not the main reason. But Amy also loves her life and her work in Canary Warf…

In a strange way, it was great to see Amy pulled in different directions, as it only shows us that sometimes, we don’t know other than the life we know. And having an amazing and great experience somewhere else, can be eye – opening.

This was also a bitter – sweet story, as when all the secrets are out, Amy feels the loss of something she never had, but she also feels closer to what she never had. And she also discovers that in Sant’Antonio there are things that make her feel not alone on the world anymore…

T.A. Williams swept me once again away with this great story. I truly don’t believe that this author could write a story I wouldn’t like! 😊

Once again he took us all on a wonderful journey, in a marvellous setting, with great characters that will warm your heart!

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