To find a good match isn’t that easy…


What happens when a sensible Cinderella meets a European prince? Find out in this sparkling romantic Regency story!

A royal distraction…

…for the debutante!

Given her meagre dowry and lack of known parents, Isobel Lennox must use her only London season to make a sensible match. So why, oh why is she dazzled by the dashing, handsome Prince Claudio? She’s not highborn enough to be his bride–and he’s certainly not ready to marry. But one mesmerizing kiss later, neither can stay away from each other!

From Harlequin Historical: Your romantic escape to the past.

My review

Isobel Lennox is ready to make her debut in London together with her triplet – sisters. As her dowry isn’t really that substantial, and the mystery around her parentage complicates even more, she knows that she has to make a good match. A match that is not perse made out of love, but one that has to be sensible.
Yet no matter how hard she tries to have that match, she keeps on clashing with Prince Claudio, currently also residing in London.
Clashing that evolves into an undeniable attraction but with Isobel’s unknown parentage and Claudio’s unreadiness to marry, nothing can ever come from it. However, could one kiss change everything?

I found it wonderful to return to the triplets, and wanted to discover more not only about them personally, but I also still had a few questions I wanted an answer for.
As I have already read Rose’s story, I was eager to get to know Isobel better. And I was glad to see that in fact, Isobel and I have a lot on common! 😊

It cannot be easy, making your debut in London, with knowing that you will be judges, gossiped about and your chances of finding a match are rather slim.
Yet I liked it how all three sisters are trying to make the best out of their situation.

Isobel for sure put a smile on my face several times. Being a feisty character, speaking before thinking at times, it was just hilarious to read it all! And at some lengths even so recognizable, as I often speak out while I should have taken a moment to think! 😊

But if you are able to see behind the outspokenness, we also see a person that is worried. Worried about her sisters, her family and her own future. The love between the sisters is so clear, they would do anything for each other. Not only Isobel is protective towards her sisters, but it definitely works in two ways, as the sisters would do exactly the same for her!

Claudio is the kind of character that you see mature during the story. He starts as a real player in this book, having a great time with the ladies and surrounding himself with people who only care about his title.
He isn’t used to people talking back to him, or calling him out on his behaviour.
And perhaps it’s exactly that, Isobel calling him out, that starts the initial spark between them. And is the start of a shift in Claudio himself.

As Isobel is part of a triplet, it was great to see how Claudio is definitely attracted to Isobel, and Isobel only, making us see that he isn’t that superficial at all, as he likes Isobel’s character.
And it was sweet to see how Claudio was able to pick up the woman of his desires, without needing the ‘help’ of the women’s wardrobe! 😊

It was also delightful how this pair, initially constantly at odds with each other, slowly learn to trust and even want to protect each other.
But we also see despair in this book, when it seems that choices have been made that cannot be undone. And decisions are made out of that despair, showing us only how deep those growing feelings actually are.

I liked it how this story took place at the same time as Rose’s story took place, as we could see some same events through different eyes. Yet even with this second instalment, there are still several questions remaining unanswered. So now I have no other option than reading the third book too… what a sacrifice I have to endure!!! 😊

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